Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Can't Tell a Joke?

Senator Kerry need not apologize to me. I got the joke. If you don't pay attention in school, even joke that you were a "C" student in a graduation address at your alma mater, then you get us stuck in Iraq.

Maybe the trouble is that the 2004 Democratic standard bearer can't tell a joke without messing up the punchline. His family says he's a very funny man but you cannot see that when he's campaigning. Not a bad guy, maybe a good senator, but not much of a campaigner, especially when giving a speech in public.

Kerry did the right thing when apologizing to the troops, their parents and the country. But Democrats should not back off. This is no time to be intimidated by a dummy in the White House who refuses to hold his people accountable or take responsibility for his stupidity

1 comment:

Mother in Chief said...

Gotta love how the White House and all Republicans took the botched joke as an opportunity to knock the Democrats. They are so beaten up that they'll jump on anything. Still, a bummer that Kerry had to mess up so close to election.